A Helpful Guide To Starting Your Personal Training Business
A Helpful Guide To Starting Your Personal Training Business
Congratulations! You just passed the online exam and earned your Personal Trainer Certification. Now, you just need to decide where to work and how to start your personal training business.
This blog provides 5 tips for starting your own personal training business. Please note that starting a business is a time-consuming process with several legal implications. Therefore, there are many nuances that are not covered in this guide. Think of this more as a jumping off point, so let's jump right in!
1: Put the work in
No matter what field you're in, becoming an entrepreneur and starting a business takes a lot of energy and effort. Nowhere is this more applicable than in the fitness industry. When promoting a fitness business and attracting customers, it takes time to build a customer base. To build an income stream through your personal training business, plan for at least 3-6 months. If you're just starting your personal coaching career, clients won't find you easily, either in real life or online. You’ll need to get your hustle on in order to get your name and brand out there! Don’t be shy, get your presence online and in person. Advertise to all you meet and use your network!
2: Plan Well
When you start a business, you become an entrepreneur rather than working for an employer. You may want to evaluate whether it's worth your time and resources to form a business entity, such as a limited liability company (LLC), that allows you to separate your assets from your company's assets. These rules vary by state. Take your time and find out what works best where you live. Sometimes becoming a contract worker through an already established business is the less risky way to get your start. Plan for what is best for current situation and what sets you up in the best way to achieve your future goals.
3. Is an LLC right for you?
Where will your personal training services be provided? Are you paying for space in your facility, or will you be working in your client's home? Perhaps you are building your own personal gym in order to have clients meet you for their sessions. Either way, investing in liability insurance is necessary. Most facilities that allow personal trainers to meet with clients require this. This is a good idea if you are visiting customers at their homes as well. Similar to forming an LLC to separate your business from your assets, this protects you from any liability in the unlikely event that a customer is injured.
4: Know your Demo
Whether you are delivering your services live or online, who is your target group? Which customers will benefit most from your services? It’s one thing to offer different types of training programs; However, identifying your specific target market can help you develop messages to market your services. For example, offering a weight loss or muscle building program may not resonate with viewers in areas with a large elderly population. Who lives in your immediate area? What type of clients do you want to work with? Take the time to brainstorm your target audience, such as new mothers, seniors, and youth athletes, and determine the most effective ways to communicate with them and attract and monetize their business. If you're targeting clients at home or offering training in a location like a park or your at-home gym, you'll need to invest in exercise equipment. Because we want to make sure you have everything you need to successfully apply the various knowledge you have, we have staff on hand, ready to help you find the right equipment for your specialty. Make sure you know the type of specialty you specifically want to specialize your programs in. This is an important step to solidify in order to get the right equipment for your practice.
5: Invest in Your equipment
There are many options, from medicine balls to rubber resistance, kettlebells to adjustable dumbbells. Depending on your budget and your ability to transport your equipment to the location where you meet your customers, you can find the best equipment for your needs. We have everything from cardio to strength training, and everything in between, but you’ll need to decide which equipment you’ll need. Some of our professionals who purchase from us get a bit of everything to be the best well-rounded trainer but you’ll need to understand which demographic you want to go after in order to make a buying decision on equipment. Speak to one of our fitness professionals to find out what equipment will work best for your business!