Keeping Weight Off During the Holiday Season: A Quick Guide

Keeping Weight Off During the Holiday Season: A Quick Guide

Keeping Weight Off During the Holiday Season: A Quick Guide

Did you know that Americans expected to gain around eight pounds during the 2021 holiday season? Spending time with family, extravagant meals, and increased time off can lead to more anxiety about putting on the pounds during this time of year.

Do you want to enjoy the holidays worry-free about not being able to fit into those jeans? Here are some easy tips for keeping weight off during the holiday season and staying healthy and happy while doing it.

Eat Mindfully

Mindless eating can lead to consuming way more than you originally planned. Be aware of what's on your plate and enjoy it when you can eat foods that you love.

Chew slowly so you can savor every bite of your holiday meals and snacks. Your body will also be able to recognize fullness cues more easily when you slow down your pace.

Don't Restrict

Although it may seem like a good idea to restrict certain foods, it will lead to binging later on. Rather than feel out of control, it is better to have everything you like to eat, just in smaller amounts.

When you acknowledge that you can eat your favorite foods whenever you want, you will lose the desire to binge and eat a lot more calories than you planned.

Lower Your Stress Levels

The holiday season can be a stressful time of year. Keeping your stress levels in check is key to avoiding weight gain and binge eating.

Regular exercise is a wonderful way to boost your mental health and lower your stress levels. You can hit the gym, buy your own home gym equipment, or simply get yourself outdoors regularly.

If you don't have time to go to the gym, you can always buy quality gym equipment for less. It may be easier to get a workout in when you don't have to leave the house.

Always Have a Plan

If you can look at a menu before you go out during the holidays, take advantage of it. For in-home parties or meals, ask the host what they plan to cook.

Living healthy includes enjoying what you want to eat and making necessary changes. With a plan in place, you can get the best of both worlds.

Get Plenty of Shut-Eye

Sleep is a vital part of your weight loss journey and living healthy. When you get more sleep, you can plan a better meal routine and feel more confident in navigating the holiday season.

Aim for seven to eight hours of sleep every night. It is also good to go to bed and wake up at the same time, even on the weekends.

Keeping Weight Off During the Holiday Season

You should be able to enjoy yourself while still keeping weight off during the holiday season. With these tips, you can go into the holidays prepared and have a great time with family and friends.

Are you ready to begin your weight loss journey? Sports & Fitness Exchange is here to help. Contact us today or visit our store to learn more.