TechnoGym Artis Total Abdominal (2nd)

$1,999.99 Regular price $9,450.00
Introducing the Technogym Artis Total Abdominal - the ultimate solution for targeting and strengthening your abdominal muscles and hip flexors, designed with the innovative PHYSIOCORE feature.



The Technogym Artis Total Abdominal is specifically engineered to help you achieve a sculpted and toned core. With its state-of-the-art design and advanced features, this machine provides a comprehensive workout experience for users of all fitness levels.

Key Features:

1. Targeted Abdominal Training: The Artis Total Abdominal focuses on isolating and engaging the abdominal muscles, allowing for efficient and effective workouts that deliver visible results.

2. Strengthen Hip Flexors: In addition to targeting the abs, this machine also strengthens the hip flexor muscles, which play a crucial role in overall core stability and functional movement.


- Length: Measuring 1389mm (55 inches) in length, the Artis Total Abdominal provides ample space for performing a wide range of abdominal exercises with proper form and range of motion.

- Width: With a width of 1029mm (41 inches), this machine offers stability and support during your abdominal workouts, ensuring a safe and comfortable experience.

- Height: Standing at 1403mm (55 inches) tall, the Artis Total Abdominal accommodates users of varying heights, allowing for proper alignment and positioning during exercises.

- Weight: Weighing 211kg (465 lbs), this machine is built to withstand intense training sessions while providing stability and durability.

- Standard Weight Stack: The Artis Total Abdominal comes with a standard weight stack of 70kg (140 lbs), allowing you to adjust the resistance according to your fitness level and progression.

- Plus Weight Stack: For advanced users, an additional weight stack of 100kg (200 lbs) is available to further challenge your abdominal and hip flexor muscles.

Warranty and Liquidated Units:

- Warranty: The Artis Total Abdominal comes with a 90-day warranty, ensuring peace of mind and satisfaction with your purchase. Extended warranties are also available for added protection and coverage.

- Liquidated Units: Our machines are sourced from manufacturers and gym owners, including returned products, refurbished units, demo models, and used equipment. Rest assured, each machine goes through a thorough inspection process to ensure its quality and functionality.

Enhance your abdominal training routine with the Technogym Artis Total Abdominal. Experience the exceptional build quality, innovative design, and targeted muscle engagement that will help you achieve your fitness goals and sculpt a stronger, more defined core.

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Customer Reviews

Found the treadmill I was looking for at a great price and it was 15% off the sticker price. Came home to find a free one year ifit gift card inside which made the deal even better. Highly recommend for sports equipment at a better cost!

I bought a piece of equipment on sale, at a great price. And they put it together for me. There wound up being a problem with it, but they had me bring it in and resolved the issue with no hassle. They actually went above and beyond to make sure I was taken care of. I'll definitely be a repeat customer and am talking my friends into buying some equipment.